This is George. He was once a normal grunt in the big city, he lived with his wife and kids in a crappy apartment. He was at a dead-end retail job with not enough money to support his family. They could only afford the bare minimum they needed to live, and not any novelties for the kids. They lived in a bad part of the city too, and there was lots of street crime. George even got stabbed in a gang fight! One day, George saw a flyer on a tree, it read, "If you're reading this, we still need you! Join the Agency Against Hank Wimbleton Today! 500$ a day". Finally! George could afford nice things for him and his family, and move to a much more friendly environment! Without reading on, George went to the nearest AAHW building and signed up. Next Monday, he started his first day working at the agency. He's a Jr. Gun Tester, it's pretty relaxing so far, make sure 'that's' working and 'this' is in order. The salary is great too! George went outside to have a quick smoke break, when- wait a minute, who's that!?

*Stabbing sounds*
Oops... Well, never mind then!